Page 9 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 9

1                        The number system

              Getting started

              1  Use digits to write these numbers.
                  a  Five thousand, two hundred and seventy-one.

                  b  One hundred and nine thousand and ninety.

              2  What is the value of the digit 6 in these numbers?
                  a  6703          b  9060          c  765 430

              3  Copy and complete to decompose these numbers.

                  a  805 469 =        + 5000 +       +      + 9

                  b  689 567 = 600 000 +          +      + 500 +      +

              4  Zara scored 649 points in a computer game.

                  Which of the following is not a correct way to show her score?

                  A  600 + 40 + 9               B  600 + 49

                  C  609 + 4                    D  609 + 40

              5  Which of these numbers is 100 times larger than three hundred and thirty-three?

                  A  333                        B  3330

                  C  33 300                     D  333 000

              6  Write the missing numbers.

                  a        ÷ 10 = 64            b  509 ×        = 5090

                  c        × 100 = 8000         d  4400 ÷         = 44

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