Page 4 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 4


               Page                            Unit                                    Maths strand

                 99    9      Addition and subtraction of fractions            Number
                101    9.1    Addition and subtraction of fractions

                106    10     Angles
                107    10.1   Angles                                           Geometry and measure

                114    11     Multiplication and division
                116    11.1   Multiplication                                   Number
                119    11.2   Division
                122    11.3   Tests of divisibility

                127    12     Data
                129    12.1   Representing and interpreting data               Statistics and probability
                135    12.2   Frequency diagrams and line graphs

                143    Project 4  Depicting data

                145    13     Ratio and proportion
                147    13.1   Ratio and proportion                             Number

                152    14     Area and perimeter                               Geometry and measure
                153    14.1   Area and perimeter

                162    Project 5  Picture frames

                164    15     Multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals
                166    15.1   Multiplying and dividing fractions               Number
                169    15.2   Multiplying a decimal and a whole number

                173    16     Time                                             Geometry and measure
                174    16.1   Time intervals and time zones

                182    Project 6  Time for bed

                183    17     Number and the laws of arithmetic
                185    17.1   The laws of arithmetic                           Number

                190    18     Position and direction                           Geometry and measure
                192    18.1   Coordinates and translation

                198    Glossary and index

                206    Acknowledgements

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