Page 6 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 6

How to use this book

                An investigation to carry out                     Think like a mathematician
                with a partner or in groups.                      You need four cards.
                                                                    3      5      4       6
                Where this icon           appears ,               Arrange the cards as a multiplication calculation.
                the activity will help develop your               Investigate different answers. Try to find as many as you can and   ×
                                                                  then find the largest and smallest answers.
                skills of thinking and working                    You will show you are specialising when you find solutions to the problem.


                Questions to help you think                    Think about the questions in this exercise. Which question was the most

                about how you learn.                           difficult? If you were asked to do a similar question, what would you do

                This is what you have                         Look what I can do!

                learned in the section.                          I can estimate the size of an answer before calculating it.
                                                                 I can divide whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers.

                Questions that cover                          Check your progress
                                                              1  Calculate.
                what you have learned                           a  408 × 7      b  46 × 24      c  504 ÷ 9
                                                              2  Calculate, writing the remainder as a fraction.
                in the unit.                                    a  98 ÷ 5       b  86 ÷ 3       c  89 ÷ 7
                                                              3  Copy the sorting diagram. Write these numbers in the correct place on the
                                                                 23 456    51 466    62 848    76 343    97 631

                At the end of several units,                       Project 2
                there is a project for you to carry              Pattern prediction

                out using what you have learned.                 Marcus and Zara were asked to draw this matchstick pattern:

                You might make something
                or solve a problem.                              Marcus drew this first:

                Projects and their accompanying                  Then he added more to make this:

                teacher guidance have been                       Then this:
                written by the NRICH Team.

                NRICH is an innovative                           Then finally:

                collaboration between the Faculties
                of Mathematics and Education at                     Can you describe how Marcus drew the pattern?
                                                                    How many triangles did he draw?
                the University of Cambridge, which                  How many matchsticks did he use in the finished picture?

                focuses on problem solving and on creating opportunities for students
                to learn mathematics through exploration and discussion.

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