Page 5 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 5

How to use this book

           How to use this book

           In this book you will find lots of different features to help your learning:

           Questions to find out what

           you know already.

                                                      We are going to …
           What you will learn                        •  estimate the size of an answer before calculating it
           in the section.                            •  multiply whole numbers by 1-digit and 2-digit whole numbers.

           Important words                            frequency diagram

           that you will use.                         line graph

           Step-by-step examples                      Worked example 3

                                                      Write a different prime number in each box to make this calculation correct.
           showing a way to solve                       +   +   = 10
           a problem.                                 The  prime numbers are:  Start by writing a list of prime numbers.

                                                      2, 3, 5, 7, …          Test different numbers to work out which ones
                                                                             make the calculation correct.
                             There are often           2   +  3  +   5  = 10  When you test numbers like this you are
                             many different                                  specialising.
                             ways to solve a

           These questions will

           help you develop your

           skills of thinking and

           working mathematically.

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10