Page 19 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 19

Project 1  Decimal dice

               Project 1

              Decimal dice

              Sofia and Arun are playing a dice game. They take it in turns to roll the dice and
              decide which of their four boxes to put the number in.

              They continue until they have filled all the boxes. The aim of the game is to be the
              person with the number closer to 400.

                                           Sofia                       Arun

                                                   .                         .

              At the end of the game, Sofia has the number 512.3 and Arun has 351.5.

                Who has won this game? How do you know?

              Try playing this game with your partner.

                What strategies can you use to make it more likely that you will win?

              Sofia and Arun are now playing a slightly different dice game. Using the same

              boxes, they take it in turns to roll the dice and put the number in one of their boxes
              until all the boxes are filled, as before. However, before they work out who the

              winner is, they each multiply their number by ten. The person who now has the
              number closer to 4000 is the winner.

              Play this game a few times with your partner.

                How is it different from the first game?

              Sofia and Arun want to make the game more exciting. This time, the person who

              rolls the dice can choose to keep the number and put it in one of their own boxes,
              or they can give the number to their partner and tell them which box to put it in.

              Have a go at playing this new version of the game.

                Which numbers are you choosing to keep and which are you choosing to give

                to your partner? Why?

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