Page 16 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 16

1.2  Rounding decimal numbers

              Exercise 1.2

              1  Identify the numbers marked by arrows. Round each number to the nearest whole

                            A                                   B                                C

                   2            3           4            5           6            7           8            9

              2  Round these numbers to the nearest whole number.

                  a  65.8                                         b  101.1

                  c  44.4                                         d  55.5

              3  Round these measurements to the nearest whole centimetre.

                  a  2.8 cm                                       b  8.5 cm

                  Round these measurements to the nearest whole metre.

                  c  7.3m                                               d  0.3m

              4  A number with 1 decimal place is rounded to the nearest whole number.
                  a  What is the smallest number that rounds to 5?

                  b  What is the largest number that rounds to 5?
                  Ask your partner to check your answers. Did you both choose the same numbers?


                                               74.5 is 74 to

                                           the nearest whole


                  Is Marcus correct?

                  Explain your answer.

              6  Use a calculator to help you answer this question.

                  Two numbers each with 1 decimal place round to 231 to the nearest whole number.

                  The sum of the two numbers is 462.
                  What could the numbers be?

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