Page 23 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 23

2   2D shape and pattern

             Worked example 1

             Is this an equilateral, isosceles or

             scalene triangle?

               •  Are all the lengths the same?               Measure the lengths of each side.

                  No, the triangle is not equilateral.        •   All the sides of an equilateral triangle
               •  Are two of the lengths the same?                are the same length and all the

                  No, the triangle is not isosceles.              angles are the same size.

               •  Are all the lengths different?              •   Two sides of an isosceles triangle
                  Yes.                                            are the same length and two of the

               •  Compare the three angles of the                 angles are the same size.
                   triangle. Are any of the angles the        •   None of the sides of a scalene triangle

                   same size?                                     are the same length and none of the

                  No, the triangle is not equilateral             angles are the same size.
                   or isosceles.

             Answer: The triangle is scalene.

           Exercise 2.1

           1  Which of these triangles are scalene?

               A                               B                                       C

                        D                                        E

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