Page 27 - 新思维数学活动用书7 样章
P. 27

2   Expressions, formulae and equations

                   16 A cookery book shows how long it takes to cook a piece of meat.
                       Electric oven        T = 70W        T is the time, in minutes
                                                           W is the weight of the
                       Microwave oven       T = 28W
                                                           piece of meat, in kg.

                      a   How much longer will it take to cook a 2 kg piece of meat in an electric oven than in a
                          microwave oven?
                      b   A piece of meat takes 1 hour and 52 minutes to cook in a microwave oven. How long would
                          this same piece of meat take to cook in an electric oven?

                       2.3  Collecting like terms                                             Key words
                                                                                              collecting like

                   Like terms are terms that                                                  terms
                   contain the same letter.                                                   like terms

                   The letter in an expression represents an unknown number but, if you       simplify
                   find it easier, you can think of the letter as an object.                  term

                   You simplify an expression by collecting like terms.

                   Example:      a + a = 2a                                                   Tip
                                 2b + 3b = 5b                                                 2a and 3a are like
                                                                                              terms. 2a and 3b
                                                                                              are not like terms.
                   Exercise 2.3
                                                                                              Think of a as an
                                                                                              apple, so

                   1  Match the expression in each rectangle to its correct simplified
                      expression given in the oval.                                           Think of b as a
                      The first one has been done for you: A and iii.                         banana, so

                     a + 4a       a + a       3a + a     a + a + a    5a + 4a   2a + 2a + 2a

                       A           B            C           D           E            F
                       9a          3a           5a          6a          2a          4a
                        i           ii          iii         iv           v           vi
                                                                                              Remember that a
                                                                                              means 1a.

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