Page 22 - 新思维数学活动用书7 样章
P. 22

2.1  Constructing expressions

                     9  Match each description (a to f ) to the correct expression (i to vii).
                                             Description                        Expression

                          a   Multiply x by 5 and add 4.                 i         4x + 5

                          b   Multiply x by 4 and add 5.                 ii        4x − 5
                          c   Multiply x by 5 and subtract 4.            iii       4 − 5x
                          d   Multiply x by 5 and subtract from 4.       iv        5 − 4x

                          e   Multiply x by 4 and subtract 5.            v         5x − 4
                          f   Multiply x by 4 and subtract from 5.       vi        5 − 5x

                                                                         vii       5x + 4

                         Marcus writes this description for the expression that did not have a match:

                            Multiply x by 5 then subtract 5.

                         Is Marcus correct? Explain your answer.
                     10 Write an expression for each of these situations.
                         You can choose your own letters, but make sure you write what your

                         letters represent.
                         a  The total cost of seven drinks and six bags of potato chips.
                         b  The total value of three rings is doubled.

                     11 Write an expression for each of these descriptions.
                         a  k more than g                                 b  h less than t

                         c  y more than eight times x                     d  three times a multiplied by b
                     12 Write a description for each of these expressions.
                         a  v + 7u                                        b  8w − d
                         c  5x + 3y                                       d  7pq


                              Remember the correct order of operations. Multiplication comes
                              before addition and subtraction.

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