Page 31 - 新思维数学活动用书7 样章
P. 31

2   Expressions, formulae and equations

                   15 In a magic square, the rows, columns and diagonals all add up to the same number. Copy the
                      magic squares in parts a and b.
                      a   Write the numbers 1 to 9 in this magic square, so that all the rows, columns and diagonals
                          add up to 15.
                          You can use each number only once.
                          Three numbers have been written in the magic square for you.




                      b   Write the algebraic expressions from the cloud in the magic square, so that all the rows,
                          columns and diagonals add up to 3b.

                                                               a + b

                                     b – c
                                             b – a – c
                            a + b – c                                   b
                                        b + c
                                   b – a    b + c – a
                                                                      a + b + c

                       2.4  Expanding brackets                                               Key words

                   You can use a box method to multiply numbers together, like this:         expand
                   4 × 16 = 4 × (10 + 6)

                     ×     10    6                                                           Tips

                     4     40    24                                                          You can write

                   4 × 16 = 40 + 24 = 64                                                     4 × (10 + 6) as
                                                                                             4(10 + 6).
                                                                                             You use the
                                                                                             table to expand
                                                                                             the brackets

                                                                                             4(10 + 6) to get
                                                                                             (4 × 10) + (4 × 6).

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