Page 25 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 25

2   2D shape and pattern

              Think like a mathematician

              Explore these questions by drawing triangles and diagrams to show what is possible

              and what is impossible.
              a    What type of triangle can have a right angle?

              b    What type of triangle can have two right angles?
              c    What type of triangle can have three right angles?

              d    Investigate the number of acute angles and obtuse angles the different types of

                   triangles can have. Write sentences to describe the angle properties of different
                   types of triangles.

              •    You are generalising when you describe which triangles are possible with each
                   number of right angles.

              •    You are convincing when you show which angles are possible and which are

                   impossible in different triangles.

           5  Name the smallest triangle that has been tessellated in each pattern.

               a                              b                                c

           6  Is it possible to draw a triangle that cannot be tessellated?

             Look what I can do!

                  I can say the names and properties of different triangles.

                  I can sketch different triangles.

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