Page 41 - 新思维数学活动用书7 样章
P. 41

2   Expressions, formulae and equations

                   14 Arun looks at this number line:
                                                         –5   –4    –3   –2    –1

                                                   The number line
                                                 shows the inequality
                                                        x > −4.5.

                      Explain the mistake that Arun has made.
                   15 Write down the inequality shown on these number lines. Use the letter w.

                      a                                                b
                             –8   –7    –6   –5    –4    –3                  –13  –12   –11   –10
                   16 Copy each number line and show each inequality on the number line.

                      a  y < −1.5                                      b  y > −4.4
                                       –3    –2   –1    0     1                         –5   –4    –3    –2

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