Page 31 - 新思维数学学生用书5 样章
P. 31

2   2D shape and pattern


              Choose one thing to change and write your own question to investigate.

              How many patterns with            lines of symmetry can be made by shading

              You could change:
              •    the number of squares in the grid

              •    the number of shaded squares

              •    the minimum number of lines of symmetry.
              Investigate your question and write your solution.

              •    You are specialising when you make a pattern and test it to check if it has at
                   least one line of symmetry.

              •    You are conjecturing when you write your own question to investigate.

              •    You are improving when you reflect on your investigation and consider how
                   you could improve your approach.

           Look at your investigation.
           •   How did you make sure that you did not repeat patterns?
           •    Is your investigation clear and organised so that someone else

               can understand what you did and what you found out?
           •   What improvements could you make?

              Look what I can do!

                  I can describe the symmetry in triangles.
                  I can describe the symmetry in patterns.

                  I can create patterns with lines of symmetry.

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