We Three (Chinese-German Edition)

Yang Jiang

•The book is a memoir written by Yang Jiang, the wife of Qian Zhongshu and also a great writer, translator and playwright. • The book describes the 63-year family life spent with her husband and daughter. The language is quite simple but touching. ...

Echoes of the Heart: Selected Poems

Ma Kai

Comprises 193 poems grouped under 125 titles in four chapters: Musings and Inspirations, Family Bliss and Camaraderie, The Vicissitudes and Scenes and Sights; Includes the author's thoughts upon nature and human development, rules of personal conduct...

Rhapsodic Mind in Poetic Mood (Chinese-English Edition)

Li Dongdong

• Consisting of two parts: Part 1 featuring 15 rhapsodies marked for their rich and varied subject matters; Part 2 presenting 12 poems under 8 titles.• Translated into English versions, first in prose and then inverse, with the prose translation el...

Memories from the Shade Apricots Temple (Chinese-German Illustrated Edition)

Suitable for readers interested in the culture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. A record of the sad but beautiful love story between Mao Pijiang (a distinguished man of letters) and Dong Xiaowan (a famous geisha of the time). Translated by th...

One Idea Makes You Extraordinary: How to Become a Scientific Giant

Cao Zexian

This book contains 30 short stories written by a physicist to describe the discovery moments of the famous and important physicists and mathematicians in history, trying to explain their thoughts and ideas.

Chinese Plants Affecting the World

This book is an original hardcover album on the theme of Chinese plants. The material of it comes from the documentary of the same title Chinese Plants Affecting the World, which was broadcasted at Beijing World Horticultural Exposition. Being commis...