The Legend of a Sealed Book

Adapted from the classical cartoon works produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. Based on well-known Chinese stories popular among Chinese at all ages, with world-famous characters such as the Monkey King Presenting traditional Chinese romance an...

The Little Snowman

Adapted from the classical cartoon works produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. Based on well-known Chinese stories popular among Chinese at all ages, with world-famous characters such as the Monkey King. Presenting traditional Chinese romance a...

Nine-color Deer

Adapted from the classical cartoon works produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. Based on well-known Chinese stories popular among Chinese at all ages, with world-famous characters such as the Monkey King. Presenting traditional Chinese romance a...

The Magic Aster

Adapted from the classical cartoon works produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. Based on well-known Chinese stories popular among Chinese at all ages, with world-famous characters such as the Monkey King Presenting traditional Chinese romance an...

Three Monks

Adapted from the classical cartoon works produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. Based on well-known Chinese stories popular among Chinese at all ages, with world-famous characters such as the Monkey King. Presenting traditional Chinese romance a...

Monkey King Conquers the Evil

Adapted from the classical cartoon works produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. Based on well-known Chinese stories popular among Chinese at all ages, with world-famous characters such as the Monkey King Presenting traditional Chinese romance an...