"New Media of the Year" Award for FLTRP New Media Matrix

The FLTRP new media matrix won the “New Media of the Year” award, which is jointly sponsored by China Publishers and Beijing Openbook Information Technology Co., Ltd. This award, held for the 15th time, is regarded as an indicator for the development of the Chinese book industry.


Today, new media plays an increasingly important role in the promotion and distribution of new books. FLTRP’s new media matrix now covers various new media platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, Toutiao, Douyin, Kuaishou and Ximalaya, with differentiated marketing channels and multi-channel interaction. In particular, the WeChat official account matrix has nearly 18 million followers. In addition to FLTRP’s official account, those of Unipus, Unischool and Uniplus have formed a comprehensive matrix covering readers of all ages and all school grades. Accounts focused on other languages and subdivided accounts specialized in their respective fields help to maximize the dissemination effect by complementing one another. In the monthly Ranking List of New Media Influence of Publishing Institutions sponsored by China Publishers, many of FLTRP’s accounts consistently rank among the top 50. FLTRP’s official account was named the “Most Popular Official Account” by China Publishing & Media Journal in 2020.


FLTRP’s new media matrix not only empowers the publishing industry, but also serves readers and users. Even under the Covid-19 pandemic, FLTRP actively responded to the call by the Ministry of Education to ensure that learning continues even when in-person classes are suspended. FLTRP delivered a wide range of free learning resources through its new media matrix, providing strong support for online teaching and learning throughout the country.