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Ode to the Lotus —Selected Poems of Florence Chia-Ying Yeh (Chinese-English Edition)
独陪明月看荷花 ——叶嘉莹诗词选译(汉英对照)



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Product Description

Professor Yeh is well-known for her numerous scholarly publications and

her captivating lectures on classical Chinese poetry. She started writing

poetry in the classical styles of Shi, Ci and Qu from a very young age.

This selection includes 51 pieces of Professor Yeh’s poetic works. Poetry,

translation and calligraphy integrate into an exquisite entity in the book.

This book provides an entrance to the poet’s inner world, and enables

us to resonate with her determination and resolve in surmounting

the protracted hardships in her life, and recognize her own selftranscendence.

About the Author
Florence Chia-Ying Yeh, prominent scholar who specializes in the study ofclassical Chinese poetry, professor at Nankai University, Fellow of the RoyalSociety of Canada.