The 2018 BIBF - A New Beginning for FLTRP in Its International Cooperation

The success FLTRP has achieved in the 25th Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) is unprecedented. It organized over 10 events and ceremonies, hosted 60 talks with nearly 100 foreign partners, and signed more than 300 rights deals. These figures have reached an all-time high and marked a new phase for FLTRP in its international cooperation.

Achievements Made with Old Friends

During this BIBF, FLTRP promoted its ties with long-term partners such as Macmillan, OUP, Cengage and Pearson to a new height through further communication, innovation and cooperation.

On 22th August, Editor-in-Chief of FLTRP Mr. Xu Jianzhong, Vice President of FLTRP Ms. Wang Fang and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of FLTRP Ms. Zhang Siying were invited to attend the reception held in celebration of Macmillan Education's 175th anniversary. On this occasion, both sides expressed their wishes for deepening cooperation and making more quality products for users in China and in the world.

On the same day, FLTRP and Pearson established their long-term strategic cooperation through a signing ceremony, announcing that they will build a learning ecosystem consisted of classic brands such as New Concept English. This ceremony indicates that the cooperation between both sides has been taken to the next level.

On 23th August, Ms. Chang Xiaoling, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of FLTRP, attended the Ceremony of Partner of the Year Awards held by Oxford University Press and accepted "The Best Partner of Educational Resources and Service Award" on behalf of FLTRP. She hoped that OUP could expand our cooperation from paper-based publishing to digital/video/audio publishing, and focus not only on language learning but also on quality-oriented education.

On 24th August, an English Graded Readers Partnership Signing Ceremony was held between FLTRP and Cengage. The graded readers that FLTRP introduced this time is one of Cengage's most well-known products, and it will be the new blood of FLTRP's Lisheng English readers family. Thanks to this new project in children's publishing area, an all-around cooperation between the two sides is being fulfilled.


Editor-in-Chief Mr. Xu Jianzhong toasted the 175th anniversary of Macmillan Education with their senior executives and Mr. Wu Shulin, Vice President of the Publishers Association of China.


FLTRP and Pearson Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony


Ms. Chang Xiaoling, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of FLTRP, accepted "The Best Partner of Educational Resources and Service Award" on behalf of FLTRP.


FLTRP-Cengage English Graded Readers Partnership Signing Ceremony

New Cooperation with New Friends

Thanks to the implementation of Belt and Road initiative, FLTRP has been making more new friends in BIBF recently, especially with those from Belt and Road countries. With our "circle of friends" being expanded, fruitful achievements are gained through cooperation.

On 23th August, the 16th Beijing International Book Festival – Publication Summit among the Countries along the Belt and Road Initiatives was held in Beijing A. C. Embassy Hotel. Being the key planner and participant, FLTRP attended the summit and signed more than 80 output contracts on Rainbow Dragon, Hellobooky, Key Concepts in Chinese Thoughts and Culture, etc. with Editorial Popular S.A, Digital Future Ltd, and the Malaya Press Sdn. Bhd, covering fields of Chinese culture, Chinese learning and early education.

On the same day, Vice President of FLTRP Ms. He Haoyu met the visiting delegation of Belarusian publishing institutions. She signed the output contract of Key Concepts in Chinese Thoughts and Culture (Vol.2-6) with MASTATSKAYA LITARATURA and reached agreement on licensing Rainbow Dragon, Excel in Chinese: Better Chinese, Better Business, Chinese-Russian Dictionary, etc. to Belarus. Also, the proposal of co-establishing a China-theme editorial department was agreed between FLTRP and MASTATSKAYA LITARATURA.

On 24th August, FLTRP and Current Media and Research Center Pvt. Ltd officially signed to co-build a China-theme editorial department, which would be the first of its kind established in South Asia. By far FLTRP has completed its global layout preliminarily by setting overseas offices of various forms in South-East Asia, South Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America.


FLTRP and The Malaya Press signed to co-publish Hellobooky.


FLTRP signed the output contract of Key Concepts in Chinese Thoughts and Culture (Vol.2-6) with MASTATSKAYA LITARATURA.


The signing ceremony of FLTRP's China-theme editorial department established in Nepal

New Phase for "Going Global Policy"

On 23th August, the launching ceremony of China-CEEC Publishing Association (16+1 Publishing Association) was held at FLTRP Building, with the theme of "Exchanges for Wisdom Sharing and Mutual Benefits". By taking advantage over its former cooperation with the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) and its other international resources, FLTRP quickly assembled more than 20 well-known publishers and cultural institutions from China and CEECs to jointly launch the 16+1 Publishing Association. This ceremony was supervised by National Press and Publication Administration and the launch of this association attracted wide attention from the press and the industry.

On the 24th, publishers from seven CEECs including Hungry, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia visited FLTRP and had a dialogue with Editor-in-Chief Mr. Xu Jianzhong and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Ms. Zhang Siying on how to improve cooperation within the framework of the 16+1 Publishing Association. The series of events have strengthened FLTRP's leading position in developing the overseas market and in promoting publication exchanges between China and foreign countries.

The "going global strategy" helps increase FLTRP's overseas influence significantly. In this BIBF, FLTRP won two awards – "The Top 100 Influential Chinese Publishers in Overseas Library Resources" and "The Best Strategic Partner of ̒'Writing on China by Foreigners̓ Projects". Besides, FLTRP has built a strong network of overseas sinologists, translators and publishers, and one of our partners Mr. Bujar Hudhri, the president of Onufri Publishing House, won the 12th Special Book Award of China in this BIBF.


The launching ceremony of China-CEEC Publishing Association (16+1 Publishing Association)


The publishers from CEECs are discussing cooperation within the framework of

the 16+1 Publishing Association.


FLTRP won "The Top 100 Influential Chinese Publishers in Overseas Library Resources" and "The Best Strategic Partner of Writing on China by Foreigners Projects".


Our partner Mr. Bujar Hudhri, the president of Onufri Publishing house, won the 12th Special Book Award of China.

New Strategies in International Cooperation Publicity

FLTRP has always been at the forefront in the industry when it comes to publicizing itself to the world through creative and lively ways. At its BIBF reception on 23th August, a brand-new English promo video was debuted, showcasing FLTRP's 40-year history of international cooperation, its classic introduced products such as New Concept English, Bookworm and Big Cat, its co-publishing projects including Discover China, FLTRP-Springer China Academic Library etc, and its remarkable achievements with regard to "going global policy". This eight-minute video was warmly welcomed by the viewers, for it gave them a comprehensive and straightforward introduction to FLTRP, making them feel more confident in cooperating with the company.


FLTRP's English promo video publicizing its international cooperation debuted during BIBF.

The 2018 BIBF offered FLTRP a platform to show its achievements and endeavors with regard to international cooperation. It will continue devoting itself to this career and striving to obtain even more gratifying results in the future.