Launching Ceremony of China-CEEC Publishing Association Held in Beijing

On August 23, 2018, the launching ceremony of China-CEEC Publishing Association (16+1 Publishing Association) was held at FLTRP Building. Guests from China and Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) attended the ceremony, including Ms. HuoYuzhen, Special Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for China-CEEC Cooperation, Mr. Zhao Haiyun, Deputy General Director of Publication Importation Department, Former State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, Mr. Basil Vasilica Constantinescu, Romanian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to China, Mr. Li Pengyi, Vice President of Publishers Association of China, Mr. Li Yan, Vice President of China Publishing Group Corporation, Mr. Jia Wenjian, Vice President of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) and Mr. Xu Jianzhong, Editor in Chief of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP), as well as representatives of the publishers from CEECs.

Since "the Belt and Road Initiative" has been proposed, China and CEECs have strengthened communication and cooperation in various fields, which brings in new opportunities for publishing cooperation. Speaking at the 7th China-CEEC Leaders Meeting in July this year, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that "we need to push forward the 16+1 people-to-people agenda, including establishing a 16+1 association of publishing houses". Within the framework of China-CEEC Cooperation (16+1 Cooperation), to implement the Budapest Guidelines for Cooperation between China and CEECs and the Sofia Guidelines for Cooperation between China and CEECs, FLTRP assembled more than 20 well-known publishers and cultural institutions from China and CEECs to jointly launch the 16+1 Publishing Association. Supervised by National Press and Publication Administration, FLTRP hosted the launching ceremony with Ms. Zhang Siying, Deputy Editor in Chief of FLTRP, as the hostess of the event.

The theme of the launching ceremony was "Exchanges for Wisdom Sharing and Mutual Benefits". Mr. Xu Jianzhong expressed in the opening remarks that the launching of the 16+1 Publishing Association is a good start for publishing cooperation between China and CEECs, both of which enjoy rich culture, and publishers shall seize the opportunity to achieve a better future together. Mr. Zhao Haiyun said that the 16+1 Publishing Association would stimulate more cooperation, draw on collective wisdom, build consensus and further promote all-round, multi-level and high-quality exchanges and cooperation between China-CEEC publishing industries. Ms. Huo Yuzhen called on the founding members to take the launch of the Association as a new starting point to "grasp the opportunity and work together to open up a bright prospect of China-CEEC cultural exchanges and cooperation". Romanian Ambassador Constantinescu committed himself to paying more attention to 16+1 Publishing Association and facilitating the cooperation among its members in the future. Mr. Li Pengyi appealed to publishers to co-build direct and multi-layered communication channels and cooperation mechanism, aiming to enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges. Mr. Li Yan believed that the launch of the Association would be a milestone for Chinese and CEEC publishing houses to strengthen cooperation so as to achieve a win-win situation. Mr. Jia Wenjian said that BFSU would actively support the Association by providing multilingual talents and intellectual support on national conditions and culture.


Mr. Xu Jianzhong

Editor in Chief of FLTRP


Mr. Zhao Haiyun

Deputy General Director of Publication Importation Department,

Former State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television


Ms. Huo Yuzhen

Special Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

for China-CEEC Cooperation


Mr. Basil Vasilica Constantinescu

Romanian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to China


Mr. Li Pengyi

Vice President of Publishers Association of China,

Member of the Executive Committee of International Publishers Association


Mr. Li Yan

Vice President of China Publishing Group Corporation


Mr. Jia Wenjian

Vice President of Beijing Foreign Studies University

At the launching section, guests from China and CEECs pressed on the launching ball together marking the formal establishment of the 16+1 Publishing Association.


Ms. Fan Xiaohong, Vice President of FLTRP, then introduced the Association for all the attendees. The Association is established as a non-profit industry alliance to facilitate China-CEEC publishing cooperation, with FLTRP as the secretariat. Aiming to promote cooperation in publishing and two-way cultural exchanges between China and CEECs, the Association will draw on members’ respective strengths in resources to build a sustainable communication mechanism and a cooperative platform so as to enhance information exchanges, boost copyright trade, expand marketing channels and cultivate professional personnel.


Representatives of founding members of the Association spoke during the ceremony on how to improve cooperation in publishing within the framework of the 16+1 Publishing Association. They expressed the desire to enhance cultural exchanges and boost long-term people-to-people connectivity through publication.




In the last section, representatives of founding members signed the declaration of China-CEEC Publishing Association. With the support of founding members, the Association serving as a cooperative platform for mutual learning and mutual benefit, will surely make positive contributions to the dialogue between China-CEEC civilizations.


The founding members of the Association include Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, China Publishing Group Corporation, China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation, Anhui Publishing Group, Zhejiang Publishing United Group, Shandong Education Press, China Intercontinental Press, Nanjing University Press, Chinese Culture Translation and Studies Support, Onufri Publishing House of Albania, Knjizevni Klub of Bosnia and Herzegovina, East-West Publishing House of Bulgaria, Sandorf Publishing of Croatia, Kossuth Publishing Group of Hungary, Janis Roze Publishers of Latvia, MakedonikaLitera Publishing House of Macedonia, Time Marszałek Group of Poland, Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog of Poland, Libris Brasov of Romania, Draslar Publishing of Serbia and Sodobnost International Publishers and Agents of Slovenia.