Unveiling Ceremony of China-Theme Editorial Department in France

On May 16, 2018, FLTRP and Bibliothèque de l'Image Press jointly hosted the unveiling ceremony of the China-Theme Editorial Department in Paris, France. Christophe Stoop, Deputy Director of National Library of France, Yin Li, First Secretary of Cultural Section of Chinese Embassy in France, Peng Donglin, General Manager of the Belt and Road Language Service Centre of FLTRP, Alain Lévy, General Manager of Bibliothèque de l'Image Press , Fang Hongshen, Consultant of China-Theme Editorial Department, French famous sinologists Jacques Pimpaneau and Geneviève Imbot-Bichet and many celebrities in French publishing attended the ceremony.


*Unveiling Ceremony of FLTRP·French China-Theme Editorial Department

FLTRP and Bibliothèque de l'Image Press signed the contract to establish China-Theme Editorial Department together in August, 2017. This editorial department will plan, translate and publish excellent China-theme books including  traditional Chinese culture and classics and reflecting economic and social achievements and features of modern China, with three publishing parts—Classical China, Modern China and Liberal China. The first book published by the editorial department Dream of Red Mansions (French Edition) has come into the market and been welcomed by readers. Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture (Volume 1-5) and Insights into Chinese Culture will be published shortly in France. The editorial department will also build China-theme bookshelves in bookstores in France, Canada and other countries. Meanwhile, it will design and make several kinds of China-theme cultural and creative products, and build the Chinese ecology of cultural creativity.

At the unveiling ceremony, Peng Donglin, General Manager of the Belt and Road Language Service Centre of FLTRP delivered an opening address and introduced FLTRP’s overseas business as well as original intention and developing plan of the French China-Theme Editorial Department. He pointed out, for now, FLTRP has established cooperative relations with nearly 700 publishing organizations around the world and succeeded in publishing in over 80 languages. In order to further promote translation, introduction and publishing of Chinese books abroad, FLTRP has founded overseas companies and editorial departments in Britain, Bulgaria and other countries. Co-founding the China-Theme Editorial Department with Bibliothèque de l'Image Press will facilitate to build broad platform for communication and cooperation between China and France translation and publishing industries. He said, FLTRP hoped to work together with French partners to show the world a real, all-around, colorful and multifold China through translation and publishing.

Alain Lévy, General Manager of Bibliothèque de l'Image Press said that he was very delighted to cooperate with FLTRP, the influential press in China, and wished both sides could implement the publishing plan as soon as possible, so as to present Chinese and French readers with high-quality books. Christophe Stoop, Deputy Director of  National Library of France, Yin Li, First Secretary of Cultural Section of Chinese Embassy in France, sinologists and publishing industry representatives addressed speeches respectively, expressed congratulations to the establishment of China-Theme Editorial Department, and hoped more excellent books to be published by China and France together, so as to enhance mutual understanding and friendships among readers from both countries.


*Peng Donglin, General Manager of the Belt and Road Language Service Centre 

of FLTRP delivers a speech



*Yin Li, First Secretary of Cultural Section of Chinese Embassy in France and 

French famous sinologist Jacques Pimpaneau deliver speeches

Before the unveiling ceremony, on May 15, FLTRP and Confucius Institute at Paris Diderot University, Oriental Languages and Civilizations Institute of Paris Diderot University and Bibliothèque de l'Image Press jointly held the Roundtable Forum on French Translation of Chinese Works and Publishing History and Current Situation. Experts and scholars together discussed about the history, current situation and prospects of French translation and publishing of Chinese works, and released the book Dream of Red Mansions (French Edition) published by FLTRP·French China-Theme Editorial Department.


*Roundtable Forum on French Translation of Chinese Works and 

Publishing History and Current Situation

In a warm atmosphere of the Roundtable Forum, from the perspectives of their own experience of translating Chinese works over past years, translators deeply discussed current situation, problems and challenges in translation of Chinese books.

In this forum there was a book donation ceremony. Peng Donglin, on behalf of FLTRP, donated Dream of Red Mansions (French Edition) and Fun with Chinese as well as Stories of Chinese People Series and other books related to Chinese culture and Chinese language learning.


*FLTRP donates books to Confucius Institute at Paris Diderot University

FLTRP·French China-Theme Editorial Department will not only provide a new platform for publishing and cultural exchanges butween both countries, but also helps spread Chinese excellent classics and modern works in France and western Europe, promot exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and French civilizations and strengthen people-to-people connectivity.

Zou Xiaobai, Deputy General Manager of the Belt and Road Language Service Centre of FLTRP and Liu Hongyan, editor of this Centre attended above mentioned activities together.