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Wish you Success: Travel Chinese



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Product Description

Wish you Success: Travel Chinese, a set of oral Chinese textbooks, is written for German-speaking Chinese learners overseas who have mastered about 1000 words with high school and higher education. The book is written from the perspective of foreign tourists traveling in China, including many topics such as accommodation, shopping, dining, medical care, joining a tour group, booking tickets, and provides concise information about ancient architecture and gardening, natural scenery, and ancient villages. Each lesson has two or three dialogues, taking language structures, functions, and Chinese culture into account. Exercises on pronunciation, intonation, frequently used oral expressions and sentences are detailed and comprehensive. The book is suitable for classroom instruction as well as for self-learning.

About the Author
Zhao Jianhua, experienced teacher at College of Advanced Chinese Training at Beijing Language and Culture University. He has worked as a Chinese teacher in Germany for many years and knows quite well the learning characteristics of German students.