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Chinese for Managers: Phonetics



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Chinese for Managers Series, written by teachers in BFSU and sponsored by EU-China Junior managers training programme, is designed specifically for the business Chinese learners. It consists of PhoneticsEveryday Chinese, and Business ChinesePhonetics only has one volume and is used as a supporting material in the elementary stage, while the other two are both divided into 2 volumes. Everyday Chinese focuses on elementary Chinese in daily life, with business Chinese in office environment as a subsidiary. Business Chinese mainly focuses on professional business Chinese in commercial communication, with commercial Chinese reflecting socioeconomic life as a subsidiary.

Chinese for Managers: Phonetics is a basic phonetic textbook for students learning Chinese as a second language. As one of the series of textbooks under the title of Chinese for Managers, this book can be used either with Everyday Chinese, another book of this set of textbooks, or separately for beginners to learn the phonetics of Mandarin. This book is divided into three units: Unit one concentrates on the basic phonetic element, the initials, finals and tones; unit two focuses on the tone liaison, neutral tone and retroflex ending –r; unit three is devoted to the learning and training of basic reading skills.

About the Author
Li Ming, Associate Professor of School of Chinese Language and Literature at Beijing Foreign Studies University, MA supervisor. Her research field is in TCSL and the education history of Chinese in an international context. Her works include Vocabulary Teaching and Acquisition Study in TCSL.