“Chinese Wisdom” Lights up Bologna Children's Book Fair

On March 28th, 2018, the latest accomplishment of "Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture Translation and Communication Project" and the first title of "Chinese Wisdom" series, the original picture book by FLTRP, was first released at Bologna Children's Book Fair, together with the signing ceremony of the Nepali version. Xu Zhengming and Zhao Xiuling from State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China, Fan Xiaohong, Vice President of FLTRP, Kiran Gautam, Manager of Nepal Current Publication Pvt. Ltd and Italian illustrators Eva Montana and Silvia Baroni attended the ceremony.


Fan Xiaohong, Vice President of FLTRP, introduced the background and meaning of publishing "Chinese Wisdom" series. She pointed out that the "Key Concepts in Chinese Thought and Culture Translation and Communication Project" is an important national project organized by BFSU and FLTRP, aiming at collecting and reorganizing the Chinese key concepts that reflect Chinese traditional cultural characteristic and Chinese thought to make the world know better about Chinese national conditions, culture and history. After three years' effort, the first five volumes (500 concepts) have already been published. The copyright cooperation with Nepal Current Pulication Pvt. Ltd is a new try of Chinese original picture book to be introduced to "Belt and Road" countries. Ms Fan hopes this colorful and lively series with Chinese wisdom could be introduced to more countries in different languages, showing the attraction of Chinese culture to children around the world.


Ms Fan (right) and Kiran Gautam sign the licensing agreement on

the Nepali version of "Chinese Wisdom"

Kiran Gautam, Manager of Nepal Current Pulication Pvt. Ltd said, "Chinese Wisdom" series could help children to know Chinese history and geography directly through Chinese basic concepts like "Tianxia""Jiuzhou" and feel how attractive Chinese history and spirit is. He believes this series could stimulate children's interest in Chinese culture and promote the cultural exchange and public communication between the two countries.

At the end of the ceremony, Ms Fan offered letters of appointment of FLTRP to Italian illustrators Eva Montana and Silvia Baroni who are going to create illustrations for the "Chinese Wisdom" future books.


Ms Fan with Italian illustrators—Eva Montana and Silvia Baroni