Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way (Albanian version) Shows Successfully in Albania

On December 13th 2017, Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way (Albanian version), which is the new achievement of the Project for Translation and Publication of Works of China and Albania (the “Project”), was released on a book launch and a “China in Reform and Opening-up” symposium held by the Department of Economics of University of Tirana in Albania. The Chinese ambassador to Albania Ms. Jiang Yu, President of the China-Albania Cultural Association and the translator of the book Mr. Iljaz Spahiu, Director of the Department of  Economics of University of Tirana, Director of the Department of Law of University of Tirana, and famous Albanian economist and former Finance Minister of Albania attended the launch and the symposium, along with members of China-Albania Cultural Association, members of Chamber of Commerce, teachers and students of University of Tirana.



Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way (Albanian version) is the third achievement of the Project. Ambassador Ms. Jiang congratulated the publication of the book in her speech and affirmed that Professor Li Yining is a leading authority in China’s economic circle. Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way, which can be referred to as a must read to analyze the miracle of China's economic reform, had a widespread and profound influence on China’s economic reform practice. Ms. Jiang believes the book is helpful for Albanian experts and readers to know about the development of China in a deeper way. She also spoke highly of the full cooperation between China and Albania and hoped the Project could promote the cultural exchange and deepen the understanding of people of both countries.

Mr. Iljaz Spahiu, the translator talked about his feeling translating the book in his speech, pointing out that the book reviews not only the model of China's reform and development but also the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in all directions. He emphasized that China had made tremendous achievements and had become the second-largest economic power in the world during the past 40 years of reform and opening-up. Under the background of the Belt and Road, Albania needs to know thoroughly about China’s economic policy and development mode to achieve mutual benefit and a win-win situation in a better way.

Albanian professors and scholars who attended the symposium had an extensive discussion on the book, expecting to promote development by communicating with and learning from China and to strengthen academic exchanges with China in economic, legal and other fields. The publishing of Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way (Albanian version) provides a new way for every sector of Albania to learn China’s useful development experience. With the orderly progress of the Project, a number of excellent books will be translated and published in succession, which will help people in both countries across language barrier, deepen mutual understanding and achieve cultural exchange. Albania National Television Station, 24 Hours News Television Station and ABCN News released key reports on this activity.