Oxford Summer School for Chinese Publishers

*Adrian Bullock, senior lecturer of Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies, 

presented certificates to delegates upon completion of the summer school.

July 21st concluded the 12-day Oxford Summer School for Chinese Publishers at St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford. This summer school catered exclusively to Chinese publishers and was co-ordinated and hosted by Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies (OICPS), Beijing International Centre for Cultural Creation and Communication, FLTRP (UK), and Confucius Institute at Oxford Brookes University.

Senior management and academics from Peking University Press, Zhejiang University Press, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, Nanjing University, Palm Reading and Cypress Books attended this programme.

Presentations from senior lecturers of OICPS and publishing industry experts varied from green publishing, and buying and selling rights to digital publishing and strategic management. Directors from Bloomsbury Publishing and Snowflake Books shared their insight into publishing transitions and publishing to promote cultural exchanges.

Alongside speaker presentations, delegates were treated to visits from industry companies such as Ingram, Wiley Publishers and BookPoint Ltd, to gain a deeper insight into the different methods of publishing and distribution in the UK.

*Jonathan Glasspool, Managing Director of Bloomsbury Books during his presentation titled Mergers and Acquisitions, Money and Culture.

Oxford is an important centre for publishing within the UK. It boasts research institutes, like OICPS, and globally renowned publishers, such as Oxford University Press and Wiley Publishers. Additionally, Oxford is home to an abundance of notable authors from the University of Oxford, such as JRR Tolkien and Lewis Carroll, as well as literary agents and distributors.

Delegates remarked that this programme provided them with an excellent and unique opportunity to learn about the UK publishing market, explore international corporations and build their international publishing and distribution connections, as well as provided the opportunity to meet prestigious and bestselling authors. Delegates also remarked that based on their experiences of the Summer School they would continue to send and recommend senior staff and colleagues to attend such an event in the future.

With publishing as one of its main focuses, the Confucius Institute at Oxford Brookes University will continue to integrate the publishing resources within the UK and China and promote opportunities for publishing industry exchanges.

*Angus Phillips, Director of OICPS and Confucius Institute at Oxford Brookes University, 

leads the team and delegates to Wiley Publishers.

*Yuan Yachun, editor-in-chief of Zhejiang University Press, visited The Silk Roads author Professor Peter Frankopan.

*Delegates visit to Ingram Lightning Source in Milton Keynes.