The Color of Heaven, a Poem Anthology by Jidi Majia, Launches at the Gaudeamus International Book and Education Fair

FLTRP and the European Idea Cultural Foundation (EICF) jointly held a book launch of the Romanian version of The Color of Heaven—poems by Jidi Majia at the 23th Gaudeamus International Book and Education Fair on 17th November, 2016. Mr. Jiang Maolin, Director of Import Management Division of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China, Mr. Yan Jianwu, Cultural Counselor of the Embassy of China to Romania, Ms. Fan Xiaohong, FLTRP Vice President, Ms. Aura Christi, President of EICF, and audience from the field of cultural exchange and communication of China and Romania attended the launch ceremony.

Jidi Majia is a famous contemporary poet from the Yi ethnic group of China. As an influential international poet, his poems have been translated into many languages and published in almost 40 countries. The Color of Heaven is Jidi Majia's latest poem anthology that includes Leopard, Mayakovsky and other long poems. From the perspective of history, culture, tradition and fate, he tells the nation's history and culture to the world in the form of poetry with profound thoughts.

FLTRP and EICF are close partners, and The Color of Heaven is the third cooperatively published title. Ms. Fan Xiaohong expressed her wish of mutually translating and publishing works with Romanian publishing houses as well as the wish of bridging different literature and cultures in the world.

*Ms. Fan Xiaohong delivering a speech at the book launch

Ms. Aura Christi is also a poet. She said that poems and literature can draw closer the hearts of people in China and Romania, even though the two countries are far apart geographically. She hoped she can keep bringing Chinese literature and culture to Romanian readers.

*Ms. Aura Christi delivering a speech at the book launch

*Mr. Jiang Maolin hoped the publishing industry of China and Romania can enhance their cooperation and 

gain substantial achievements in the fields of culture, researches, digital publishing and reading.

*The Writers' Union of Romania awarding Jidi Majia the prize of “Excellent Achievement”

With China being the country of honour at the book fair, the launch of this poem anthology is an important publishing event marking a solid step in the publication cooperation between China and Romania. It is also of great significance for the spread and promotion of the poetry and literature of ethnic groups of China overseas.

*FLTRP and EICF presenting Romanian versions of Jidi Majia's works to guests