2016 BIBF Country of Honor Events – Albania and Bulgaria

In the afternoon of 26th August 2016, the China-Albania Cultural Exchange Forum and the Launch of Mother Albania was held at the Country of Honour Activity Area of the Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF). This event is organized by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT), co-undertaken by the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) and the China Radio International.

A delegation of Chinese media and presses visited Albania from 27-29th April 2015, and signed the Agreement of Translation and Publications of Classical Literary Works of China and Albania with the Albania Publishers Association. According to the Agreement, each side will translate and publish 50 native classic literary works from the other side. Mother Albania, an achievement of this agreement undertaken by FLTRP, represents the efforts and energy that Mr. Zheng En-bo, a renowned translator of Albania literature, has spent on this project.

Experts and cultural officials from China and Albania attended this event, and the Chinese ambassador to Albania, Ms. Jiang Yu, sent her congratulation letter to the host, singing high praise and presenting her appreciation of the project, wishing the forum a great success.

*Launch of Mother Albania

Later in the afternoon, the China-Bulgaria Co-publishing Forum was held at the same venue. This forum is organized by SAPPRFT and undertaken by FLTRP. Two parts are included in the forum, the signing ceremony of the China Theme Editorial Department co-built by FLTRP and the Bulgarian publisher Iztok-Zapad, and the launch of The Bulgarian Nation: Imagining and Re-imagining and the academic salon of Bulgaria in the Eyes of Chinese Scholars.

Since undertaking the project of the China Theme Editorial Department, FLTRP is actively expanding the collaboration. From the signing of the Agreement on Establishing the China Theme Editorial Department to the launch of The Bulgarian Nation: Imagining and Re-imagining, the bond between FLTRP and Iztok-Zapad is becoming much stronger. China-Bulgaria Co-publishing Forum is not only a witness of the progress but also an opportunity allowing Chinese readers to get more comprehensive knowledge of Bulgaria and its culture. The cooperation between FLTRP and Iztok-Zapad will go on, so will that between China and Bulgaria.

*The Signing Ceremony of China Theme Editorial Department in Bulgaria